Mar 30, 2010


Andrew and I headed back to Egmont for some wedding planning stuff but also for the relaxation, and the beautiful outdoor setting! We took some pictures (yet to add), rode our mtn bikes, hiked and had some r & r. We even got to pick our dinner for Saturday night straight from the beaches of Egmont. We went Oyster, clam and mussel picking in the low tide and "caught" our dinner fresh off the shores! Lexi, a french woofer made us a sweet belgian style mussel dish with "pomme de frite", a classic, apparently.

We had to return Sunday morning as I had a lululemon luncheon function at the top of Grouse. After very little deliberation I hiked up instead of taking the gondola. It was in pretty good condition until closer to the top where the snow was a little slick but really not that bad (probably a different story now after some heavy snow fall this week). I made it in time for some delicious lunch and great conversation. I also made it before the massive hail thunderstorm hit the peak of Grouse. It was quite the spectacle.

Of course the grind wasn't enough for me so I went out for an evening run in the rain around east van (my rockin' neighborhood if you didn't already know).

What's next? Well, some backcountry pow fun to be had this weekend and then.... Andrew and I are headed to Southern Baja for a weeklong sea kayak expedition and some r&r on the beach. A little celebration for making it through my long teaching practicum and getting that much closer to becoming a full fledge school teacher! woohoo!

Upon our return we will paddle hard in the snow to surf comox relay race and then some local run/AR/etc races in May.

live, love, laugh,...DREAM!

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